Starring: Nadia Buari, Frank Artus, Psalm Adjeteyfio, James Gardiner, Veronica A. Rockson
Genre: Drama, Romance, not sure
Overall: This is a story about to men that became friends since they were kids . They did literally everything together from going to school, dating girls and so on until one day one of them realized that he need to make it on his own and leave his friend behind only to discover that he had cancer......
My rating is: 2/10
Should you watch it: Don't bother !! This movie has too many stories going on at the same time. I had a hard time figuring out what story they were going to stick with. The love stories , the friendships, the sickness, or the bad behavior of Mike. I know there are good friends out there but not this kind of puppy love.I could actually count how many times Nadia appeared in the movie so i don't know why she is on the cover of the movie.
Performance of the Actors: Very poor and overacting.
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